
Bone Fractures, Lung Cancer, and Vitamin B12 Supplements? 

What do randomized controlled trials of high-dose daily vitamin B12 supplementation show about its effects on cancer risk, death,...

Is It Possible to Have Too Much Protein?

Protein is one of the essential building blocks of the human body, crucial for building and repairing muscle. If you’re interested in gaining...

Acne and Vitamin B12 

Acne can be triggered in one in ten people who get vitamin B12 injections.  “Acne...

5 Ways to Use Caffeine for Maximum Performance

Whether you want to take a HIIT class to the next level or increase your stamina on a...

When Does Pre-Workout Expire? | BODi

We’re sure you’ve been in this situation before: You reach into your pantry looking forward to an energy...

Eating to Reverse Heart Failure 

An entire issue of a cardiology journal dedicated to plant-based nutrition explores the role...

How Much Beta-Alanine to Take

Whether it’s included in your pre-workout drink or you supplement with it separately, beta-alanine is a good addition...

What Are the 5 Worst Foods for Blood Sugar​?

For people concerned about blood sugar spikes, simply eating can feel like trying to defuse a bomb: Make...